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Romani convicts and Camden connections

Camden History, Journal of the Camden Historical Society

September 2015

Case study of the three Davis brothers, Romani convicts, with links to the Camden area.

Author: Christine Yeats

Romani in Australia: Invisible and marginalised ‘others’ in Australian History

Independent Scholars Association of Australia (ISAA)

September 2014

Presentation notes used for a 'Work in Progress' presentation to members of the NSW Chapter of ISAA on 23 September 2014.

Author: Christine Yeats

'1813 Blue Mountains crossing convict identified: Samuel Fairs an extraordinary life'

RAHS History Magazine,

March 2013

Samuel Fairs was one of the three hitherto unidentified convicts who accompanied Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth on their 1813 crossing of the Blue Mountains.

Author: Christine Yeats

'Irish convict research using the NSW State archives' in the Papers delivered at the 16th Australasian Irish Studies Conference, Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand, 9-12 July 2009

16th Australasian Irish Studies Conference


Author: Christine Yeats

'Accessible and visible: State Records NSW', based on paper presented at the 2008 Archives and Records Association of New Zealand (ARANZ) published in the October 2008 - April 2009 issue of Archifacts the Journal of ARANZ.

Archives and Records Association of New Zealand


An overview of the range of projects undertaken by State records NSW to improve the accessibility of the State's archives.

Author: Christine Yeats

‘Access alert! Don't be alarmed; archival access is a good thing’ in Made, kept & used : celebrating 30 years of the Australian Society of Archivists, Australian Society of Archivists (ASA), Dickson, ACT, 2007.

Australian Society of Archivists


Exploring the closure of Government records to public access following September 11.

Author: Christine Yeats

‘Industrial Arbitration Transcripts and Related Sources in the NSW State archives, 1902–91’ in Labour History, Number 93, November 2007.


November 2007

Author: Christine Yeats

‘Links with India: records in the New South Wales State archives relating to settlers and others’, Journal of the Families in British India Society Issue 16: Autumn 2006.

United Kingdom


A survey of key sources relating to the links between India and NSW using selected individual case studies.

Author: Christine Yeats

‘Access alert! Balancing the public's right to know’, (online); URL: (cited April 2007).


June 2005

Author: Christine Yeats

‘Setting standards for archives service quality in the digital age’ published in Performance Measurement for Libraries and Information Services, 18–19 May 2004 and repeated on 21–22 March 2005

IES Conferences Sydney


Author: Christine Yeats

‘A rich repository of maritime incidents’, in Signals, no. 69, December 2004 — February 2005, pp. 32-34.

Ntional Maritme Museum


Author: Christine Yeats

'Lebanese migration and settlement in NSW' in Records Made Real: Lebanese Settlement 1865 to 1945 — Papers from a Seminar on Historical Sources Seminar held 14th September 2001, Australian Lebanese Historical Society

New South Wales


Exploration of the key sources relating to Lebanese migration and settlement in NSW.

Author: Christine Yeats

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